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Graduate Admissions

International Physics Course (IPC), Offered in English

IPC offers M.S. and Ph.D. programs in many different fields of physics, both in theory and experiment, from nuclear and particle physics to condensed matter physics and so on. Students also have the possibility to conduct research with large-scale lasers or accelerator facilities and to participate in large-scale international collaborations.

The IPC has started accepting students for the Department of Earth and Space Science (limited to a specific research group).
Please click the link below for more details.

IPC Website: http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~ipc/

Application Guidelines for the Master’s/Ph.D. Program

Enrollment in April or October 2025

Application Deadline: Wednesday 13 November, 2024 at 15:00 JST
Guidelines: PDF
Application Form【Master’s Program】: PDFExcel
Application Form【Ph.D. Program】: PDFExcel
Form of the Evaluation Letter: PDFWord
Letter of Conditional Acceptance: PDFWord
Letter of Conditional Acceptance(DDP): PDFWord

Contact: ipc-office@ipc.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp

Special Integrated Science Course (SISC), Offered in English

SISC offers M.S. and Ph.D. programs in the fields of biology, chemistry and macromolecular sciences. It is designed to train the next generation of cutting-edge scientists.

SISC Website: https://sisc.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/global30/SISC/

Application Guidelines for the Master’s/Ph.D. Program

Enrollment in April or October 2025

Application Period: November 11 – November 15, 2024
Guidelines: PDF
Application Form【Master’s Program】: PDFExcel 
Application Form【Ph.D. Program】: PDF, Excel
Form of the Evaluation Letter: PDFWord
Letter of Conditional Acceptance: PDFWord
Letter of Conditional Acceptance(DDP): PDFWord

Contact: gssadmis@sci.osaka-u.ac.jp

To Master’s Program Applicants who wish to take the entrance examination from non-specified countries (SISC Enrollment in April or October 2025)

If you wish to take the entrance examination online,
please refer to the following.
Application Form:Word

For Entry into the Master Course Program, Offered in Japanese

For Entry into the Master Course Program offered in Japanese Selection is carried out using the same procedure as with Japanese students. Applicants for admission to the program need to contact the head of the Admission Committee of the department in which they want to be enrolled.

For Entry into the Ph. D. Course Program other than the IPC and SISC

Selection is carried out using the same procedure as with Japanese students.
Applicants for admission to the program need to contact the provisional supervisor(s) in order to discuss the research plan and obtain their approval for the application: applicants must decide whom to contact as the provisional supervisor(s) among the professors; the provisional supervisor(s) will help applicants through the admission procedure.

To Enroll as a Research Student in the Graduate School

Selection is carried out using the same procedure as with Japanese students.
Applicants for admission to the program need to contact the provisional supervisor(s) in order to discuss the research plan and obtain their approval for the application: applicants must decide whom to contact as the provisional supervisor(s) among the professors; the provisional supervisor(s) will help applicants through the admission procedure.

Application Guidelines: PDF (November 2023 update)
Application Form: PDF

Security Export Control

In accordance with Japan’s “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act” (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), Osaka University has established the “Osaka University Security Export Control Regulations” and rigorously implements security export control for the export of goods and the transfer of technology (including accepting foreigners). Please be aware that applicants who fall under any of the conditions set out in the Act may not receive permission to enroll at the university or may have their education or research restricted after their enrollment. For more information, please refer to the website.
