Mathematics originated in handling the concepts of number, magnitude, and form in prehistoric ages, and has been developing ever since. On the one hand, mathematics develops for its own sake, without aiming at specific applications. Meanwhile, because of its abstract and logical nature, mathematics is the foundation of various other disciplines, including the natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. In reality, there is no clear dividing line between pure and applied mathematics, and their interaction sometimes brings us unexpected breakthroughs.
The department of Mathematics consists of 6 research groups, all of which have been making substantial contributions to the developments of mathematics. Our department is ranked among the top three in the country.
We offer a program with 32 new students enrolled annually leading to post-gradute degrees of Masters of Science. We also offer a Ph.D. program with possibly 16 new students enrolled annually. In addition, there is a special program that excellent undergraduate students with strong mathematical backgroud can be enrolled in the graduate school before graduation. So far, ten students successfully used this program.
Graduate courses are prepared so as to meet various demands of students. Besides introductory courses for first year students, a number of topics courses are given for advanced students. Students learn more specialized topics from seminars under the guidance of thesis advisors.
Our department has our own library equipped with about 500 academic journals and 50,000 books in mathematics, both of which graduate students can use freely. Also by an online system, students as well as faculty members can look up references through Internet.