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September 29, 2014

Formation of direct covalent bond achieved in macroscopic cross-coupling reaction

Prof. Akira HARADA et al. at Osaka University developed a direct adhesion between macroscopic objects using the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction.

With the development of chemistry in modern times, adhesives with various functional properties are distributed worldwide. But, the fundamental concept of adhesive mechanisms and adhesive methods, by which different materials are bound, remains unchanged for many years. Here, we have succeeded in Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions between macroscopic objects. When acrylamide gel modified with iodophenyl group (I-gel) was allowed to react with the one having phenylboronic group (PB-gel) using palladium catalyst, I-gel directly bound to PB-gel to give a single object. We also develop the direct adhesion of gel and glass substrate. The glass substrate modified with PB-group (PB-Sub) directly bound to I-gel. The system needs no extra adhesive materials. In the case of normal glues, the adhesives have to be initially in liquid state to wet the rough surface of the objects, and must change into its solid state to exert its binding property via anchor effects. In contrast, the adhesion described in this paper was achieved without changing physical states of two adherents.

A direct adhesion between macroscopic objects through the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction

A direct adhesion between macroscopic objects through the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction

(Link) http://resou.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/research/20140929_1