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April 7, 2021

OU x DLSU Global Remote Operation Meeting of NMR Measurements were held.

On Friday, March 26, 2021, an international exchange event was held online, in which NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) instruments owned by the Graduate School of Science were operated remotely from overseas to conduct measurement experiments. While international exchange is extremely limited under the COVID19 situation, we held this event for active international exchanging and newly sharing of our instruments with researchers in the global areas. 117 people, including researchers and students from De La Salle University (DLSU) in the Republic of the Philippines, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in the Republic of Indonesia, and the Kingdom of Thailand, participated in this event. Among them were graduates of the Special Integrated Science Course (SISC), an international educational program given by our Graduate School of Science, who are now active in their home countries.

The Graduate School of Science has developed environments for the remote automated measurements, leading our nation in the sharing of cutting-edge research instruments that supports the research infrastructure. As a result, measurement experiments that previously required visits to research facilities can now be carried out by simply transporting samples. It is expected both to utilize research resources effectively and improve research efficiently.

The next “OU x ITB Global Remote Operation Meeting of X-ray structural analysis” is scheduled on Wednesday, April 7, 2021. We will continue to promote research and technological exchanges using our cutting-edge research instruments in the global range.













Analytical Instrument Facility, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Shared Academic Research Instrument Facility Online Reservation System

Hanna Research-Resource Sharing Network