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February 19, 2021

SciSics workshop on 15th March 2021 “2020 Nobel Prize Research and COVID-19” 

We will hold the Science Student International Conference Series (SciSics) workshop “2020 Nobel Prize Research and COVID-19” on 15th March. In this workshop, we will have wonderful professors from various research fields giving talks and enthusiastic messages about their own research stories, including commentary on the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Physics, and COVID-19 infection. All faculty and students are welcome, so please come and join us.

1. Dr. Akira Shinohara (Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University)
“Editing of Life-tale on CRISPR/Cas discovery”

2. Dr. Yoshiyuki Inoue (Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
“How can we find black holes?”

3. Dr. Sujin Kang (Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University).
“Targeting of Interleukin-6 signaling in COVID-19 induced cytokine storm”

Please make a registration in advance here.

【Deadline:Thu. 10th March, 2021】
The Zoom ID, URL, and other information you need to participate will be sent to you by email at least two days before the event. Participation is free.

Mon. 15th March 2021, 2:00pm – 5:30pm

Place (Two options)
・Nambu Yoichiro Hall, School of Science Building J (Toyonaka campus, Osaka University) https://www.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/access-maps/

Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Part 1: At Nambu Yoichiro Hall (also available online)
13:45- Zoom Webinar & Nambu Yoichiro Hall Open
14:00- Opening Remarks, Koichi Fukase (Dean of the Graduate School of Science)
14:05- Ice Break
14:15- “Editing of Life-tale on CRISPR/Cas discovery”, including the commentary on Nobel                  Prize in Chemistry
           Akira Shinohara (Institute for Protein Research)

Part 2: Online (also available at Nambu Yoichiro Hall)
15:25- “How can we find black holes?”, including the commentary on Nobel Prize in Physics
           Yoshiyuki Inoue (Department of Earth and Space Science)
16:25- “Targeting of Interleukin-6 signaling in COVID-19 induced cytokine storm”, including the            commentary on COVID-19
           Sujin Kang (IFReC)
17:25- Closing Remarks, Takashi Kubo (Vice-Dean of the Graduate School of Science)

※Facilitators: Yuri Kamon (Office of Research Administration, Graduate School of Science)
  Yosuke Tani (Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science)

Office of Research Administration at the Graduate School of Science, Osaka University